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Chasing time

Time, like a bird taking off, Never certain to return, Soars far and away to uncover Road leading to different horizons.
Photo: Wikipedia
By Lazzana Goverdhan

Time, like a bird taking off,

Never certain to return,

Soars far and away to uncover

Road leading to different horizons.

It leaves us with middling amount

In our palms so petite to embrace

Every second that dies today

To live for tomorrow.

Fresh dreams and hopes

Flee from essence

At present

Entombed ere long

A realm where caskets

Bedecked with words of forfeit

Before learning

Before pursuing 

Yet we wait for better times

Forget what we are offered by today

Yet we choose to linger for

False promises of tomorrow.

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Goverdhan  is studying in grade XII at Uniglobe Secondary School and College, Kamaladi.

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