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Transforming daily habits to combat climate change

On this World Environment Day, the spotlight is on our planet and the critical role each of us plays in preserving i...
By Sara Pahari

On this World Environment Day, the spotlight is on our planet and the critical role each of us plays in preserving its health. One of the most significant ways we can contribute to a sustainable future is by reducing our carbon footprint.

Carbon footprint represents the total amount of greenhouse gasses, primarily carbon dioxide, that are emitted directly or indirectly by our activities. From the electricity we use to the food we consume and the transportation we choose, every action has an environmental impact.

As concerns about climate change continue to grow, understanding and minimizing our carbon footprint has become more important than ever. Fortunately, there are numerous steps we can take to actually make a meaningful difference. By making conscious choices in small actions of our everyday lives, we can reduce our carbon footprint and help combat climate change.

1. Energy conservation at home

Energy usage in our homes accounts for a significant portion of our carbon footprint. By making small changes in how we use energy, we can make a big impact.

•Switch to LED bulbs: LED bulbs use up to 80% less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and last significantly longer. For example, replacing just five of the most frequently used light fixtures with LED bulbs can save a significant amount on energy costs.

•Unplug electronics: Many electronics consume energy even when turned off, a phenomenon known as "phantom load." Unplugging devices like chargers, TVs, and computers when not in use can reduce this waste. 

•Upgrade to energy-efficient appliances: When it is time to replace old appliances, choose ones with the ENERGY STAR label. These appliances meet strict energy efficiency guidelines and can save hundreds of dollars in energy costs over their lifetime. For example, an ENERGY STAR-rated refrigerator uses 15% less energy than a non-rated model.

2. Adopt sustainable transportation habits

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Transportation is another major contributor to our carbon footprint. Shifting to more sustainable travel options can significantly reduce our emissions.

•Use public transportation: Opting for buses, tempos, instead of driving reduces the number of vehicles on the road, cutting down on overall emissions.

•Ride-share: Sharing a ride with others can halve our carbon footprint from driving. Platforms like Pathao or JumJum make it easier to find shared rides. For example, if two people book a Pathao Car or Indrive Ride to work instead of driving separately, they could significantly reduce their CO2 emissions.

•Walk: For shorter trips, consider walking instead of driving. Not only does this reduce the carbon footprint, but it also has health benefits.

3. Mindful eating and food choices

Food production and consumption significantly impact the environment. Being mindful of what and how we eat can help reduce our carbon footprint.

•Eat more plant-based meals: Animal agriculture is a significant source of greenhouse gasses. In Nepal, livestock farming, particularly for meat production, contributes to methane emissions. By shifting to plant-based diets, we can reduce these emissions significantly. Methane, a potent greenhouse gas, is produced during the digestive process of ruminant animals like cows. Hence, reducing animal consumption can directly cut down methane emissions. Plant-based diets generally have a lower carbon footprint than diets high in animal products. Incorporating more vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes into our meals can make a big difference.

•Reduce food waste: One effective way to minimize our carbon footprint is by reducing food waste. By planning meals, storing food properly, and using leftovers, we can make a significant impact.

4. Sustainable consumption and waste management

The products we buy and how we dispose of them also affect our carbon footprint. Sustainable consumption habits can lead to significant environmental benefits.

•Buy less and choose quality: Embracing a mindset that prioritizes quality over quantity can significantly help in reducing waste. By investing in durable goods that last longer and require fewer resources to replace, we contribute to a more sustainable environment. Durable goods are designed to withstand wear and tear, meaning they won’t need to be replaced as frequently as their cheaper, lower-quality counterparts. This not only saves money in the long run but also reduces the environmental impact associated with the production, transportation, and disposal of goods.

•Recycle and compost: Properly recycling materials like paper, glass, and plastic helps reduce emissions from manufacturing new products. Composting organic waste reduces methane emissions from landfills. Recycling reduces greenhouse gas emissions, conserves resources, and reduces pollution.

•Embrace minimalism: Adopting a minimalist lifestyle means buying only what one truly needs, reducing unnecessary consumption, and decluttering one’s life. This approach not only helps the environment but also promotes mental well-being.

5. Engage in eco-friendly activities

Incorporating environmentally friendly activities into one’s routine can further help reduce an individual’s carbon footprint.

•Tree plantation: Trees absorb CO2, helping to offset emissions and improve air quality. Participating in tree-planting initiatives or planting trees in backyards can make a significant difference. A single mature tree can absorb about 48 pounds of CO2 annually, making tree planting a powerful tool in combating climate change and promoting a healthier environment.

•Support renewable energy: Opting for a green energy plan from utility providers that sources electricity from renewable sources like wind, solar, or hydro can significantly reduce reliance on fossil fuels. Alternatively, installing solar panels on properties offers a direct way to harness renewable energy. These actions help lower greenhouse gas emissions, promote sustainable energy practices, and contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable future.

•Advocate and educate: Raising awareness about climate change and the importance of reducing carbon footprints is crucial. Encouraging friends, family, and the community to adopt more sustainable practices can have a multiplying effect.

6. Smart water usage

Conserving water also helps reduce one’s carbon footprint, as water treatment and heating require significant energy.

•Fix leaks: Repairing leaky faucets and pipes can save thousands of gallons of water each year. A single dripping faucet can waste over 12,000 liters of water annually. Addressing these leaks promptly helps conserve water, reduce utility bills, and contribute to a more sustainable use of resources.

•Practice water-saving habits: Simple changes like turning off the tap while brushing teeth, taking shorter showers, and running dishwashers and washing machines with full loads can conserve water and reduce energy use. These small changes contribute to more efficient water management and help lower utility bills, promoting a more sustainable lifestyle.

By adopting these practical tips and making conscious choices, we can significantly reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to a healthier planet.


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