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Travelling can be real relaxer from the daily tight schedule people live in. Besides you cannot live in the four corners of your house forever. In case you have packed your bags and grabbed your passports here are a few tips to avoid certain behavior in certain countries you are headed to:
1. Don’t smile at strangers in Russia
Smiling is considered an intimate gesture in Russia and one that should only be done between two people who know each other.
2. Don’t tip in Japan
Whilst it’s non-negotiable in America and accepted in most parts of Asia it’s not done in Japan. In fact, it could actually be seen as degrading, so a simple “Arigatou gozaimasu” (thank you) will do the trick.
Unpredictable explorations
3. Keep your hands in sight in Germany
Talking with your hands in your pockets or eating with your hands under the table is considered bad manners by Germans.
4. Be careful of your chopsticks in China
Eating and drinking can be a minefield of social faux pas for a new traveler so keep this in mind if you’re headed to China. Don’t point with them, cross them over each other, or rest them on the side of your plate. All are considered terrible table manners.
5. Never pat someone’s head in Buddhist countries
In western countries, this can be a sign of affection, but for Buddhists, the head is sacred and patting it is an insult.
6. You can’t offend with flowers, right?
Well, in some countries the variety and colors have very different meanings. For example, never take carnations to a dinner party in Germany, Poland, and Sweden, as these are used for funerals only. An odd number of flowers in a bouquet is unlucky in Indonesia, while an even number is considered to be unlucky in India, Turkey, Russia, and Germany.
7. Avoid making gestures with your left hand in India
Traditionally in Indian culture, the left hand is thought of as unclean, so always use your right hand to greet someone, exchange money or pick up merchandise.
8. Go easy on your horn in New Zealand
While it’s not illegal, excessive honking of your car horn is frowned upon on the roads. It’s the same in Norway, where honking is used only in an emergency, so unnecessary beeping can cause drivers to panic.
9. Be careful when choosing a gift in China
Gift-giving can be a thoughtful way to show your appreciation to your hosts but choose wisely. Never give an umbrella or clock to a Chinese friend – you are essentially wishing them bad luck for the future!
10. Always say hello in France
Ever wondered why the French can seem rude if you don’t attempt their language? It’s because if you don’t greet a person with “Bonjour” you are saying you think they are beneath you.