Fifty-two-year-old Raj Kumar Sah calls himself an uneducated business person. “I have only studied up to the second standard. Back then, fifth graders used to be our teachers”, says the father of three daughters and three sons. Raj Kumar was a scavenger when he first started working in Kathmandu. Later, he traveled back to his home district Sarlahi and started a small shop there. His wife currently looks after the shop.
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With his hard earned savings from his work in Nepal and India, Sah owned a shop, some land and married off two of his daughters. He also invested in his children’s education. Every year he travels from Sarlahi to set up his paan stall at Basantapur during Tihar. This pays him quite well. “I like Kathmandu. I wanted to buy some land here but it’s expensive. Sarlahi is slowly getting crowded. So I do not like staying there these days,” said Raj Kumar. In spite of all that, he is happy with his family.