KATHMANDU, Jan 1: MP Rajendra Bajgain rescued a seriously ill 72-year-old man, Phunjo Lama, from the remote northern area of Gorkha district, on the first day of the English New Year. The elderly resident from Chumnubri Chekampar was airlifted to Kathmandu for medical attention.
Bajgain highlighted the challenges faced by residents in the northern areas during snowfall, emphasizing the need for timely evacuation. He stressed that when snow starts falling, residents have limited options to descend, making helicopter rescue the only viable alternative.
I will spend my salary to rescue people affected by natural cal...
Upon his return to the capital, MP Bajgain expressed concerns about potential administrative challenges in conducting such rescues. He attributed obstacles to a perception that China might object to flying airplanes in the region, leading to hesitancy from ministers to local administrations.
MP Bajgain has been actively involved in helicopter rescues in remote villages for several years. He confirmed that Phunjo Lama, who is seriously ill, will receive medical treatment in Kathmandu as a result of the timely rescue operation.