On Wednesday, leaders and lawmakers representing all Madhesi parties formed a committee to draft their common position on all the disputed issues. The committee is presenting its report to a broader meeting of the Madhesi leaders on Thursday afternoon, according to Upendra Yadav, chairman of Madhesi People´s Rights Forum, Nepal. [break]
"The meeting will finalize the bottom line of Madhesi parties on the issues relating to the constitution making," said Jitendra Dev.
In the meantime, the Janjati caucus, an alliance of Janjati lawmakers, is also meeting in Nagarkot to discuss their position on federalism, according to lawmaker IP Gurung, a member of the caucus.
The Janjatis have been demanding that 14-province federal model based on identity in the new constitution. The model was approved by majority members of the State Restructuring Committee of the Constituent Assembly. The meeting comes amid news report that parties have reached to an understanding on seven or eight federal states.
Coincidently, both Madheis parties´ and Janjati caucus´ meetings coincide with a meeting of the top leaders of the major political parties to discuss disputed issues. The meeting is likely to resolve the contentious issues, according to leaders.