7 Hundi operators arrested from New Road

Published On: June 5, 2018 07:19 AM NPT By: Republica  | @RepublicaNepal

KATHMANDU, June 5: Acting on a tip-off, a special team from Metropolitan Crime Division (MCD), Kathmandu raided different places in New Road on Monday and arrested seven people involved in the illegal money transfer system called Hundi.

The arrestees were caught red-handed with Rs 5.1 million in cash, Rs 35.7 million in bank checks, signed checkbooks of various banks, list of transactions done through Whatsapp and WeChat, ledgers and other documents.

Those arrested include Rahul Raya Agarwal of Nepal Overseas Marketing Pvt Ltd, Raj Kumar Shrestha of Elite Business Pvt Ltd, Shiva Kumar Sangtani of Sangtani Traders, Arun Sawarthiya and Rabindra Chokani of Purna Laxmi Enterprises, and Raj Kumar Sidhanchi and Jagadish Rana Sariya of Binika Sale and Shine Marketing.

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