Farmer forever
Theta Raj Subedi from Ramechhap is 76 years old. He has been healthy throughout his life. He never had a fever but his leg and stomach ache sometimes mainly because of his age. “But these days, almost everyone has one or other health complication,” said Subedi, who recently came to Kathmandu for a checkup of his leg. Lifelong farmer Subedi is happy in farming. “Though I belonged to a Brahmin family and my ancestors were in the jajamaani profession, and conducted rituals and religious activities in our area. I didn’t follow the profession,” he said. “I thought jajamaani makes people greedy and dependent on others and that always makes you unhappy.” He said with the earnings from farming he has been able to provide good education and other basic needs for his six sons and one daughter.
Souls of my city: Proud to be a farmer
Shain Sunuwar Rasaili/Republica