POKHARA, Feb 22: The crew of movie ‘Panchebaja’ has started the movie’s promotion from Pokhara. “I am confident that the film will entertain the audience,” the unit of ‘Panchebaja’ claimed at press meet organized in Pokhara on Tuesday. The film is set to be released nation-wide on February 23.
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“The content of the film is strong and that is why I am sure people will enjoy it,” said director of the movie, Ghanashyam Lamichane.
The movie is produced by Rajesh Shahi. Actors Jashmin Shrestha, Prakash Ghimire, Pramila Tulachan attained the press meet. The film features Saugat Malla, Karma, Srijana Subba and Buddhi Tamang among other actors. The movie was shot in different places of Pokhara.