Life is a very long journey that we start, and finish alone. Nonetheless, life has numerous stations along its pathway. In these stations, we meet people; we like some, despise some and are apathetic to the rest. Stopping at many such stations, we embark on our journey until we reach our ultimate destination. In the end, when we reflect our journey, all that matters is the experience along the way.
The journey is a metaphor oft the incidents of our lives, from birth to death. It’s crucial that we understand that we are mortal. So, whatever desire we have inside our hearts, which we keep postponing for one reason or another, we should fulfill them when the time is still in our hands.
From Switzerland to Nepal on foot: A man’s journey for a cause

Life is uncertain; we don’t know what the next moment can bring. A few years back a very powerful earthquake shook our country and many innocent lives were lost. Those who died, crossed the rainbow with unfulfilled desires. Are we also waiting for the same?
I have heard of a man whose only ambition was to collect books. After many years of hard work and effort, his collection grew huge. He had the world’s best collection of books in his private library. Despite having many books he never got the chance to read. He always said once his collection was over, he would finally rest, relax and read and with this ambition he died. His only last wish was to read one of his books which was never fulfilled. As we procrastinate, we constantly sacrifice our ambition with a hope to fulfill them some other time, but remember, life is uncertain and unpredictable.
During our childhood, we had lots of dreams that we wanted to be fulfilled. We are grown up now but with the passing of time, our dreams, wishes, and priorities change. We are so busy in the rat race that we forget all our dreams. We need to understand that nothing last forever, and we do not live forever. However, the memories that we have shared or spent with others, keeps us alive in their heart and mind.