Sixty-year-old Sherpa, who hailed from Gorakhani-1of Solukhumbu district, was arrested on Wednesday for allegedly misusing social networking site. Sherpa had been criticizing the government, ministers and politicians including Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Bamdev Gautam. He had updated his Facebook status along with six photos of Birgunj clash and said that the Home Minister was a 'murderer'.
He had also uploaded graphic photos on Facebook. Facebook had blocked one of his photos saying: 'Warning: Graphic Photo...'.
"We have initiated investigation against him, his motive of misusing social networking sites and his controversial posts related to Birgunj and Tikapur clashes," said SP Bishwa Raj Pokharel, spokesperson of the Metropolitan Police Range Office, Kathmandu.
According to police, over 800 such posts on social media by Sherpa were liable to at 'jeopardizing social harmony, inciting regional and ethnic conflict and creating division among the security forces'.
A team from Metropolitan Police Crime Division, Kathmandu on Wednesday had arrested Sherpa, who is also the central member of the Federal Socialist Forum, Nepal, from Bauddha.
Pemba Gurung Bhote, Nefin general secretary, dismissed the charges made against Sherpa and extended his solidarity. "Sherpa's posts on the social networking sites were the result of dissatisfaction against longstanding suppression".
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