Three-day-long ‘Nepal Africa Film Festival’ kicked off at National Cultural Corporation on Saturday. Minister for Education, Science and Technology Giriraj Mani Pokharel inaugurated the festival. Speaking at the inaugural event, Minister Pokharel stated that the annual festival that is being organized from past eight years has been a platform to exchange cinema culture between Nepal and Africa. Dr Manju Mishra, President of College of Journalism and Mass Communication (organizer of the event) stated the college has been organizing the festival to promote Nepali movies in international level and to exchange cinema culture between two countries.
Nepal Africa Film Festival-2016 kicks off
Similarly, President of Film Development Board Keshab Bhattarai expressed his gratitude to college for organizing international film festival. He also illuminated about cinema act at the event, “National cinema act will be introduced and the act will be in favor to promote movies.” The inaugural event saw the presence of several dignitaries including General Manager of Cultural Corporation Nepal Prabhakar Dev Sharma, Ambassador of Egypt to Nepal Iman Mostafa, and Chinese film Director Dr Yong.
Director of the festival Dabbu Kshetri stated that 25 films from several countries will be screened in the festival. The festival that is slated to continue till Monday features films from countries like Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, South Africa, Egypt, Germany and Nepal.