Do you tend to think that you are not a successful person? Have you ever thought how big the universe is claimed? Compare its importance with your life. Which would you give more preference to? Obviously your life!
Your life is much more important than the most precious thing ever claimed. So, it’s simple. If you can lead your life as you wish, then you are successful. There is hardly anyone who hates success and avoids trying to achieve that.
5 tips to keep your heart healthy
There are people who feel that they have never experienced happiness. There are people who barely follow the advice and later regret over their choice. There those who try to accomplish things that they never wished to do and finally leave it undone. Others follow the track that diverges from their interest, which ultimately leads to a painful loss. Even the winners are unhappy if they can’t do what they prefer. Happiness is met by only those who follow their heart.
The best way for a happy life and ultimate success is to be a slave of your heart. People may mock you, badger you and even bait you, but only you know how you actually are. That’s what should make you happy. Following each and every crazy commands of your heart will make you happy.
I can assure that if you really want to be happy then follow your heart. If you love reading, read all books that you can lay your hands on. If you love writing, write till you are out of space to write. And if you love singing, thrill the stage, rock the world. Follow your passion, leaving everything behind. One day you will be surprised to note that you don’t have sad days. Then you can call yourself a successful person and the world will do so too!
Amrit is an A-level student at Budhanilkantha School