KATHMANDU, Jan 2: Police recovered Rs 5 million after a red ‘mail bag’ on which Bhadrapur is written from the Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) on Saturday, after Security Chief of TIA, Senior Superintendent of Police, Surendra Prasad Mainali received a tip-off for the same. The bag containing the money reached Kathmandu in Saurya Airlines, Flight no SAU724 from Biratnagar at 1:55AM.
In the course of inspection, the money was found inside a box of ‘Current Noodles’ carefully wrapped in red plastic. According to the police, the source of the money is not known. Police found 4950 notes of Rs 1000 and 100 notes of Rs 500, totaling Rs 5 million, from the bag.
Saurya Airlines Chairman Pokharel claims Rs 5 million found at...
Meanwhile, Resha Shakya Pokhrel, an assistant at Saurya Airlines Kathmandu, has been sent to the Department of Revenue Investigation, Lalitpur for a necessary investigation into the case.