During her meeting with Minister for Foreign Affairs Mahendra Bahadur Pandey at the latter's office on Tuesday, Greening said UK will continue to support Nepal through programmes on economic development, job creation and livelihood. Greening, who arrived in Nepal on Tuesday, was accompanied by Charge d'Affaires a.i. of the British Embassy in Kathmandu, Head of DFID in Kathmandu and other British officials during the meeting.
According to the press statement issued by Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), Minister Pandey thanked the government and people of the United Kingdom for the sympathy and solidarity they expressed to the people of Nepal and for the emergency rescue and relief support provided at the hour of great tragedy.Pandey said that a conference of development partners will soon be convened in Kathmandu in which the Nepal government will present a comprehensive plan to its development partners. He said Nepal is seeking contributions from the United Kingdom to the recently created Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Fund.
After her meeting with Pandey, Greening also called on Finance Minister Dr Ram sharan Mahat at the latter's office in Singhdurbar. She is scheduled to pay separate courtesy calls on Prime Minister Sushil Koirala and Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Bam Dev Gautam before she returns home on Wednesday.