Kabi Raj Karki, a television journalist from Mugu district, has won the 'Original Video Competition' organized by Nepali Radio Network. Karki was presented with the cash award of Rs 20,000 on the occasion of the Network's third anniversary function here on Friday. Chief Guest of the function and former Chair of the Constituent Assembly, Subas Chandra Nembang handed over the certificate and Network's chair Rishi Dhamala the cash to Karki on the occasion.
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Karki is the Nepal Television's Mugu district reporter. He had sent a video showing the art, culture, lifestyle and natural beauty of Mugu for the competition. The video can be viewed on the Network's Youtube channel. Coordinator of the award selection committee, Jeevan Bhandari said the short video competition was organized with the objective of preserving and publicizing the local culture and lifestyle that is on the verge of disappearance. Around 100 people from across the country had participated in the video competition.