Change is possible only if the young minds and bodies are ready to fight for something new and agreeable.
Mao once said a revolution is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture or doing an embroidery.
Young voices these days banging on the street with their aggressive placards and sober sorts of demonstration must have understood the spirit of change in a bit more advanced way rather than the orthodox kind that the traditional political parties have practiced in bygone days. These youths are modestly rational as they mean nothing about doing politics that they have seen their preceding generation doing. They had a large bunch of placards that wrote a diverse diction with a creative endeavor of their own kind. The so-called adults keep stereotypical thinking that youngsters today understand no more of politics or any sort of serious thing as they are in their own comfort zone with their dear gazettes. But this time they proved those adults wrong. Quite contrary to their father generation, they, via their digital sources, made their dudes and pals come along with them stamping their feet on the street.
They have been severely criticized by some for making their placards look obscene and unethical with writings that looked like more of graffiti kind. On the other hand, they had their placards yelling at the government for good governance and elimination of corruption.
Their street campaign has also been charged of being anti-government or funded by Indian establishment. That’s propaganda of a normal kind.
These youngsters have been united by social media. They are far more intelligent and rational. They have expressed rage and frustration for the communist government is knee-deep in corruption. They carry national flag and raise their voice for their better future and the betterment of their nation.
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The youth movement that started on June 9 from Kathmandu has spread across the nation. And the movement is spontaneous.
We are from Butwal. We received an invitation to attend the meeting deciding about the form and content of the demonstration. Finally, it was decided that we would be making a live protest around the premise of chief minister's office. The protest must be peaceful, we had been told.
We tried to draw their attention on caste based discrimination to which they silently opposed. They said that that issue was political in nature. Then we told them about the recent protest against racism in America and they nodded their heads in affirmation.
The proven corrupt were punished even during the Rana and Shah regimes. After the advent of Republic, corrupt bureaucrats and politicians have been spared because they are affiliated with some political parties. A large number of young people are out of the country in lack of job opportunities here. The economic condition is getting worse and yet the political leaders are still in petty politics. They were misusing money from Corona pandemic fund.
So the youth said enough is enough and came out to the streets spontaneously. Yes they lack deep understanding of social and political issues. But they want the politics of the country to change for the better.
A movement should never look like a riot or a mere noise of a mob. It must be a collective struggle against the status quo. Change is possible only if the young minds and bodies are ready to fight for something new and agreeable.
Sycophancy and nepotism are the biggest pandemic of Nepali politics. Youth want to get rid of this. Youth are the pillar of nation, architect of nation-building, nevertheless they need the correct guidance as they are the victims of the consumerism and the virtual world backed up by modern technology.
Under scorching heat in Butwal, these youths soberly showed their placards and made a move along the streets singing national anthems and patriotic songs making their way up to chief minister's office without any hindrance from police personnel.
As active participants, we enjoyed an opportunity to see this movement from close. The independent movement of youngsters must be appreciated. Youngsters should know what they are fighting for. Optimism is the only way and there should never be a space for pessimism.
The protesting youth should fight for directly elected executive—president or prime minister. Lawmakers must be appointed in a proportionate basis. Chief Ministers in all the states must be directly elected.
Candidates from local levels should be elected from among politically independent professionals. There should be an establishment of ombudsman to curb corruption. Election expenditure should be transparent. Income source and property of the candidates should be made transparent.
Young people, we must stand up for our rights.