The makers of Sanjay Dutt's upcoming political-drama 'Prassthanam' have unveiled another intriguing poster of Manisha Koirala today. The film has been in the limelight since the launch of its trailer. The team is leaving no stone unturned to make sure that the film trends on all platforms.
Manisha is happy and thriving, and says writing Healed was cath...
After sharing the first look posters of Sanjay Dutt, Jackie Shroff and Ali Fazal, the official Twitter page of 'Prassthanam' unveiled the first look of Manisha Koirala on Twitter. Manisha who is introduced as the Queen will be seen essaying the character of 'Saroj' in the film.
In the poster, like her co-stars, Manisha too is seen carrying an intense and intrigued look on her face. Also, a few cops and some police vehicles can be seen in the backdrop.