Journalist Anup Ojha released his second song ‘Sansarai Baimani’ amid a special event organized at Mandala Theater on Friday. Ojha’s first song ‘Wariko Dadama Ma’ was about remembrance of friend who left the country in search of better opportunity. The song evoked childhood memories among youngsters, while his new song portrays the consequences of civil war in Nepali society, and stories of youngsters who went aboard in search of better opportunities.
A.R. Rahman's daughter Khatija's animated music video wins glob...
Singer has tried to depict power of dishonesty. The five minutes and 35 seconds long video of the song shows how honest people are dominated by dishonesty. Directed by Safal KC and Pratik Gurung the video is shot in a small village of Champadevi, Kathmandu.
Lead character of The Next Dance group-Pradip lama has choreographed the video that features Bijay Baral, Prakash Gandarva, Prakash Dahal, Bhawana Thapa, Suroj Chaulaigai (Babu) and Anup Ojha.