Koshish Chhetri is singer, song writer and actor. At a young age of 7, Koshish was pushed to perform on the stage for the first time. ‘Rudai Chhin Aama’ was his first recording that established him as a child singer. After modeling for his own music video titled ‘Daiva Ko Ris’, Koshish became successful in establishing himself as an actor. This versatile personality secured his first movie role in 2014. He won the CG Kamana Film Award for best debut actor, Nepal Film Critics Award for best actor and Sixth Cine Award under the public choice category for his performance in the movie “Mokshya”. His second movie ‘Parva’ is set to release on May 26.
Republica’s Prasansha Rimal caught up with Chhetri to talk about five things many may not know about him.
Talent runs in the family
Koshish is the middle child of the family. His brothers Kamal and Ketan are also singers. He says his father Gyan Bir Chhetri had bagged Excellent Vocalist Award from Lata Mangeshkar and Mahendra Kapoor in Mumbai. His father had also performed in video films. So there is no doubt that the talent runs in the family.
Night owl
Koshish says he goes to bed usually late and that is one of the reasons why he wakes up late in the morning. He feels he is most creative at night and usually spends his nights writing or doing something creative. He says six hours of sleep is enough for him and staying up doesn’t create any problem.
Versatile Artist

Loves to play snooker
Koshish loves to play snooker in his free time. He says he got attracted to snooker as he used to play pool as a kid. His maternal uncle’s house had a pool table and whenever he was there, he used to spend his time playing the game. He says his maternal uncle had even got upset at him due to his constant focus on the game. He says he still manages to play snooker once a day.
Koshish says he loves to explore new things and is always looking to do something new. It may be writing something new or composing new music. He is always up for doing something out of the box.
Prefers indoor games
Koshish doesn’t like to run and that is one of the reasons that he is actively involved in indoor games. He says he used to participate in inter-school competition for indoor games. But when he decided to take part in an inter-school cricket competition as a wicket keeper he won ‘man of the match’. This shocked him and he gives credit to his teachers for being able to win as they were the one who persuaded him to push his limits.