KATHMANDU, March 10: A total of 522,000 students, both regular and partial, will take part in the 2081 BS Secondary Education Examination (SEE), starting on March 20.
Grade X students will participate in the exam, which the National Examination Board (NEB) conducts. The NEB has announced that it has completed preparations for the exam, with the printing of question papers finalized.
SEE Controller Nanda Lal Paudel stated that the examination will take place at 2,079 centers across the country. He also shared that the Provincial and District Examination Coordination Committees have been granted authority to ensure the examination is conducted in an organized and dignified manner.
Concerns rise as govt decision may leave over 26,000 SEE studen...

Controller Paudel explained to Republica "As the new education act has not been enacted yet under federalism, the NEB still holds the responsibility of conducting the SEE this time, following the old act. That is why the board has printed the question papers, and the task is complete."
He added, "However, the District Examination Coordination Committee and the Provincial Examination Operation and Management Committees now hold the authority to conduct, manage, monitor, regulate, and take action regarding the exam. The Ministry of Social Development's Secretary chairs a committee formed to organize the exam at the provincial level."
According to Paudel, the provincial committee will manage the printing, distribution, and handling of answer sheets. It will also appoint exam centers and center heads.
He said, "The Provincial Committee will manage the financial aspects of the exam centers and assist the NEB in its tasks." Controller Paudel also stated that the Provincial and District Committees have the authority to take action against anyone engaging in inappropriate conduct during the exam.
Controller Paudel explained that candidates who score below 35 percent in the written exam and below 40 percent in the practical exam will not be eligible for higher education.
In terms of district-wise participation, Kathmandu has the highest number of SEE candidates. A total of 39,000 students will take the exam across 36 exam centers in Kathmandu district. Meanwhile, Manang has the fewest SEE candidates, with only 43 students taking the exam at one designated center.
Dr Mahashram Sharma, Chairman of the NEB, said that the board has prepared this year's SEE question papers to effectively assess students' learning achievements. "We have prepared the question papers according to the specification table outlined by the curriculum," Sharma told Republica. "The question papers are designed to assess learning achievements based on the students' level."
Sharma also mentioned that, until last year, the centers evaluated the SEE answer sheets. However, from this year, the provinces, in cooperation with the centers, will manage the evaluation of the answer sheets, as per the NEB's regulations.