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Infographics: Where women feel they lack equality

Where women feel they lack equality
By Republica

International Women’s Day is observed on March 8th every year, commemorating the struggle for women’s rights across the globe. To mark the occasion this year, Ipsos Mori released a new report on the state of gender equality in different countries. It found that nine tn ten women believe in equal opportunities but it also revealed that 40 percent of women say they personally do not have equality. 

The infographic below shows the countries where women either disagree very much or disagree somewhat that they “have full equality with men and freedom to reach their full dreams and aspirations”. Spain had the highest level of disagreement (73 percent), followed by Japan (67 percent) and South Korea (64 percent). Russian women were far less inclined to disagree with that statement. 

This chart shows the percentage of women disagreeing they have full equality with men/freedom to reach their dreams. 

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Source: Statistics Portal


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