KATHMANDU, July 23: The Supreme Court has sought all files related to the corruption charge against suspended chief of Inland Revenue Department (IRD) Chudamani Sharma from the Special Court.
A full bench of justices Deepak Raj Joshi, Deepak Kumar Karki, Kedar Prasad Chalise, Sharada Prasad Ghimire and Anil Kumar Sinha issued the order on Sunday, responding to a habeas corpus petition filed by Sharma’s spouse Kalpana Uprety Sharma.
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Earlier, the apex court had decided to send the case relating to corruption charge against Sharma to full bench. Sharma is currently in custody of the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) on charge of misappropriating billions of rupees by settling taxes in a dubious manner.
The anti-graft body has filed a corruption case against Sharma and two other government officials at the Special Court, seeking a fine of Rs 10.02 billion each from the trio of the Tax Settlement Commission (TSC), namely its chairman Lumbadhwaj Mahat, member Umesh Dhakal and member secretary and director general of IRD Chudamani Sharma.
Following the case at Special Court, CIAA had arrested Sharma on June 3 on the charge of misappropriating revenue and settling taxes arbitrarily. Sharma’s wife had filed a habeas corpus petition at the apex court on July 11, demanding the release of her husband’s claiming it an “illegal” detention.