We all live in a world where self-esteem is proportionate to skin color. White skinned individuals are considered superior to dark-skinned people, resulting in physical and mental abuse towards the colored people. Women, of the latter group, are also prone to harassment, exclusions, and abuses and bullying. Making matters worse, the rise in the obsession for fairer skin has misled many to consider darker toned people as ‘ugly’.
The power hunger started the color discrimination when colonizing began. Slavery system started and with it, so did racism. Dark skinned people, mostly from Africa, were bought and sold as slaves and were denied of their rights. On the other hand, the whites were labeled as masters.
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In today’s world, slavery system is considered illegal. However, the impact it has had over the years still influences many. Legally, racism has come to an end but emotionally it still prevails around. People still hate dark skin and are ready to go under the knife for fairer tone. With the advancement of technology, scientists have found a solution; skin whitening products.
About sixty percent of urban women of Africa and most women of South Asia use skin whitening products. A 2009 report from Global Industry Analysts declared skin-lightening as a $10 billion industry. Racism has flourished in the form of a billion dollar industry.
If skin whitening was only about changing skin tone, then maybe it wouldn’t have been a big deal; but it’s not, as racism is still prevalent. White is considered as a superior shade, so spend a lot of money trying to get the superior shade.
Racism is no longer a problem legally but practically, it has spread like wildfire. If we do not stop it now, it will burn us down. There have been changes in the law but now what remains is the change of mind; only then, we can live a better life.