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Traffic police recovers 20 missing two-wheelers

Police handed recovered vehicles, some with real and others with fake number plates, to their respective owners on Tuesday.  

KATHMANDU, March 11: The Kathmandu Valley Traffic Police have recovered 20 missing two-wheelers, including six motorcycles and 14 scooters, from various locations across the valley. Police handed recovered vehicles, some with real and others with fake number plates, to their respective owners on Tuesday.

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Based on a request received at the Kathmandu Valley Traffic Police Office, the traffic police found the vehicles, some with real number plates and some with fake number plates, at locations including UN Park, Airport, New Bus Park, Guheshwari, Gaushala, Sundarijal, Kalimati, Thamel, Maligaun, Chundevi, Jagati, Dipjyoti, Bouddha, Gokarneshwor, Narephat and Nepaltar in the Kathmandu Valley. 


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