DANG, Mar 16: Speaker at the House of the Representatives (HoR) Krishna Bahadur Mahara has said that Magar culture, attire, language and practices are the asset of the country. Speaking in a program organized by the Magar Language and Culture Foundation Central Committee here today, Speaker Mahara came with the view that the Magar culture has added more cultural dimension in multi-cultural country Nepal.
China congratulated Speaker Mahara

He also stressed on promoting such culture and practices to enrich the national culture.
Similarly, speaking in the same programme, Mayor of the Ghorahai Sub-Metropolitan City Naru Lal Chaudhary said that the city was introducing a policy to promote multiculturalism.
The organizing committee chair Kriti Man Pun opined that the aboriginal culture should be handed over to new generation so that it could be continued for a long time. RSS