KATHMANDU: ‘Smriti Brichhya’, the commemorative tree is planted in the memory of loved ones or any other special occasion and moments of life. In our country, the trend of urbanization is rapid and cities are turning into concrete jungle in a faster pace.
In this backdrop, Youth Network for Social & Environmental Development (YONSED) has initiated the concept of planting trees and has been actively involved in establishing ‘Smriti Batika’ in waste public lands and turn the land into green park.
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To participate in this campaign, the participants have to pay Rs 1,000 per plant. From this amount, a name plate of the individual or organization planting a tree is installed and protection and conservation of plants is ensured by YONSED.
Moreover, National College has been supporting the nationwide commemorative tree plantation campaign as initiated by YONSED. And to celebrate silver jubilee of Kathmandu University and 20 th anniversary of National College, 25 tree-saplings were planted on Tuesday.
The campaign was established in 2014 and till this date under this campaign trees have been planted at 16 different areas of nine districts as per the press statement.
In the celebration, Madhav Prasad Neupane, Principal of National College and Prof Dr Dal Bahadur Adhikary, Chairman of National College on behalf of college were present in the event as per the press statement released by National College.