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Three reports tabled to HoR

KATHMANDU, Aug 18: Three reports of different parliamentary committees were presented in today's meeting of the House of Representatives (HoR).

KATHMANDU, Aug 18: Three reports of different parliamentary committees were presented in today's meeting of the House of Representatives (HoR).

Chairperson of the Agriculture, Cooperatives and Natural Recourses Purna Kumari Subedi presented the Committee's report related to the Forest Bill.

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Likewise, parliamentarian Krishna Gopal Shrestha, on the behalf of State Affairs and Good-Governance Committee's President Shashi Shrestha, submitted the report related to the National Identity Cards and Registration Bill-2076 BS.

He also presented a report prepared after the inspection to the flood-affected districts. He informed the House that he too had a report with him made by the Committee after an on-site visit to the storm-hit areas in Kailali and Kanchhanpur on April 19-21 this year.

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