According to the NA's Directorate of Public Relations (DPR), CoAS Gaurav Shumsher JB Rana on Sunday handed a check of Rs 243.06 million to PM Sushil Koirala. A total of Rs 325,000 from the NA welfare fund will be provided to each family of NA personnel who were killed in the earthquake. They will also be provided up to Rs 500,000 as insurance amount.
Similarly, the family of retired NA personnel who were killed in the quake will also be given Rs 325,000.
NA will also provide assistance of Rs 50,000 to rebuild destroyed houses and Rs 25,000 to repair partially damaged houses each to affected NA personnel. Those who were disabled due to injuries in the quake will get a relief amount of Rs 100,000.
In addition, NA will provide education to the children of the personnel who died in the quake at Army School, Sallaghari.