PARIS, July 19: The highest temperature in France was 46 degrees Celsius on June 28 at Verargues in the south of France, meteorological service Meteo France said on Friday, following analysis of data collected from other stations.
Meteo France said the highest temperature ever recorded in France was surpassed several times that day, and the 45.9 degrees Celsius that was reported at Gallargues-le-Montueux, came from a reading station where data was collected and reported real-time.
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It said it also collects data readings from 800 other outposts where the process is done manually by voluntary weather observers who later transmit it several days later.
“A maximum temperature value of 46 degrees Celsius was recorded at Vérargues, less than 10 km from the Gallargues-le-Montueux station,” Meteo France said in a statement, adding that the record has been checked and cleared by climate experts.
Meteo France said it expected another heatwave spell across France next week with temperatures expected at between 35 to 40 degrees Celsius.