KATHMANDU, Nov 10: Doctors from Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug arrived in Kathmandu to provide medical care to the population and to exchange experience with local specialists, marking the first ‘Mission Dobro’ to Nepal.
At the beginning of 2023, the organizers of the Program received a request for assistance from Kathmandu Medical College (KMC). The mission participants are volunteer doctors from the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District “Salekhard District Clinical Hospital”. On the first day of the mission, volunteers held a number of meetings with local doctors, became familiar with the administrative and clinical structure of the KMC, and provided consulting support during a surgical operation.
LLRC fails to fix special, autonomous and protected regions

Head of the traumatology department of the Salekhard District Clinical Hospital, orthopedist and traumatologist Evgeniy Zabara, having learned from a Nepali colleague about the upcoming operation, volunteered to consider the case together. At the Kathmandu Medical Institute, specialists from the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug were welcomed by the Vice-Principal of Clinical Sciences, Dr Pawana Kayastha. She presented the KMC, noting the large number of international studies and projects, and spoke about the difficulties faced in Nepali realities. Dr Pawana Kayastha also introduced the guests from the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug to the KMC heads of wards.
Olga Kholyavko, head of the International Activities Department of the Department of External Relations of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, presented general information about the region to the staff of the KMC. Similarly, volunteers shared the most recent developments of their Clinic, using video clips to show their Nepalese colleagues in what conditions they sometimes have to work, and what difficulties – to solve.
Other programs of the Mission includes visits to specialized clinics – pediatric, oncology, traumatology – in the Kathmandu Valley. Russian specialists will also hold meetings with the professional medical community of Nepal at the Russian House, consultations for the doctor of the Russian Embassy in Nepal and meetings with employees of the RZU, as well as visits to local specialized universities.