The six-month-long computer training course provided to Nepali youths by a Chinese organization concluded on Monday. The program entitled 'Enable Nepalese Youths for Life Skills Development through Computer Training' was conducted by Good Will Foundation, based in Tibetan Autonomous Region of China, in coordination with Samajik Rupantaran Nepal.
Computer classes without a computer!

Amid a function organized in Lokanthali, Bhaktapur, the participants of the training were provided certificates by the representatives of the Chinese organization and officials of Chinese Embassy in Nepal. Addressing the ceremony, Pampha Bhusal -- leader of Nepal Communist Party, stated that such training programs were useful for the Nepali youths to get better employment opportunities.
Likewise, Ma Zhijian, head of Good Will Foundation said that it was a matter of pride that among the 20 trainees, half of them had already received jobs in different sectors. Among the trainees, two youths with outstanding performance were gifted laptops by Nepal-China Kailas Culture Promotion Development.