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We'll lobby strongly for dual citizenship: Lamichhane

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Jibanath Lamichhane is the new president of Non-Resident Nepalis (NRN) Association. Lamichhane flew to Russia 25 years ago for his post-graduate degree in engineering and ended up becoming a successful entrepreneur in Russia and an active member of NRN movement.

He is the director of Moscow-based Crystal Ltd and executive director of Dubai-based Nectar International. Right after his election to the post, Lamichhane spoke to Ashok Thapa of Republica on the association´s future plans. Excerpts:[break]

What will be your areas of work after assuming office as the president of NRN Association?

I will carry out all the functions that the NRN Association has been undertaking so far. Apart from them, I will give special emphasis to bring collective investment in Nepal. Foreign employment, be it in Europe, America or Arab nations, is still being viewed with stereotype perception. Working to make foreign employment more organized and honorable will be another undertaking of my leadership. At the same time, serving Nepali society through charity and humanitarian deeds will also be in focus. I will specially devote my team for economic and legal performance of NRN Association. Similarly, there should be timely revisions of laws pertaining to NRNs.

Both the government and the private sector have been complaining that NRNs so far haven´t brought significant investment in Nepal despite its frequent promises. How do you respond to this?

The government and the private sector should come out of this illusion. NRNs have already introduced their investment both major and minor in the sectors including hydropower, media, telecom, tourism, health and education, among others. This fact should not be ignored.

Since we are first-generation diaspora, we have our limitations. We can´t fulfill every expectation. Investment is a continual process and can´t be introduced overnight. At our level, we have been working sincerely to bring foreign direct investment in the country and we will continue with our efforts. For sure, we can´t meet each and every expectation because the expectation is far larger than our capacity.

The strength of NRN Association is its network across the globe. How is the organization going to utilize this network to the fullest under your leadership?

First of all, we will try to link Nepal with the different nations that Nepalis reside in and work. There are significant number of Nepalis residing in about ten nations which are currently not visible on our network. We will bring them under our network. I will try to bring investment to Nepal with the establishment of a global company through global mobilization of Nepali diaspora.

Previously also, we have brought many foreign investors to Nepal, persuading them to invest in several areas. We will carry it on. At the same time, the government should also reciprocate to our efforts. At a time when the Nepalis and NRNs themselves aren´t secure about their investment in Nepal, no foreign investors would dare to introduce their project here. So, it´s the government´s task to prepare an investment-friendly environment in the country first, and then only we can act from our level.

NRNs have been stressing for dual citizenship since its inception. While the government is positive about introducing any provision that can help NRNs bring investments, is dual citizenship a must for this?

We are investors and we can invest wherever we feel secure. But, we must get connected to this land primarily and then only we can feel urge to bring our investment here. The government is trying to disconnect us from this land and expects our investment here. How can it be possible? What motivates us to come here if we are not the citizen of this county? No matter how much the government tries to help us in policy related matter for brining our investment here, we must be provided with the dual citizenships. And my leadership will strongly lobby for this demand.

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