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Petrol price cut by Rs 5 per liter, diesel and kerosene by Rs 4 per liter

As per the revised rates, the price of petrol has been slashed by Rs 5 per liter, while diesel and kerosene prices have been lowered by Rs 4 per liter.  

KATHMANDU, March 15: Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) has reduced fuel prices, effective from Sunday morning.  

As per the revised rates, the price of petrol has been slashed by Rs 5 per liter, while diesel and kerosene prices have been lowered by Rs 4 per liter.  

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With this adjustment, petrol will now cost Rs 163 per liter in Kathmandu, Pokhara, and Dipayal, whereas diesel and kerosene will be priced at Rs 151 per liter in these locations.  

The NOC attributed the price reduction to a drop in fuel prices from India.

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