By the end of 8th grade, most schools stop teaching subjects like music, dance, art, and even sports, the very subjects that stimulate cognitive abilities. Creativity and diverse learning experiences are essential for holistic development.

KATHMANDU, May 8: As  the nationwide lockdown enters the seventh week, preventative measures to contain the coronavirus are having a slow but steady impact on mental health.  People are restless, sad,  fearful,  anxious, and worried for themselves and their families, a study has shown. The study, conducted from April 23 to May 03 has a sample size of 2,082, from across Nepal.

A noticeably relaxed Adam Levine took the stage with Maroon 5 for a pre-Super Bowl event in Miami on Saturday, telling the crowd he was relieved the pressures of the halftime show were behind the band.

Breathe in, breathe out

January 10, 2020 11:24 am

Anxiety is one of those illnesses that make their rounds. It diminishes, then grows into a black hole that sucks in every reasonable argument, leaving you in a state of paralyzed dysfunction. Extreme paranoia, overthinking, forgetfulness, sleepless nights, difficulty during social functions—these are just some of the symptoms of anxiety.

9 Ways to reduce stress

December 23, 2019 08:48 am

Avoid, or at least reduce, your consumption of nicotine and any drinks containing caffeine and alcohol.

5 Ways you can be stress-free at work

October 26, 2019 21:32 pm

Stress and anxiety are extremely normal and occur regularly at workplaces.

Dealing with stress

August 30, 2019 11:47 am

Stress gets the best of all of us. The demands of daily life such as having to pay numerous bills, work-related issues, losing someone close, and relationship problems can take a toll on our wellbeing. Left untreated, stress can lead to heart diseases, affect our immune system and damage our emotional balance among other things. Here are a few tips on how you can deal with stress because no matter how bad you think your situation is there are steps you can take to tackle it positively.

People live their lives in a rush. People put so much on their plate that they end up having a tight schedule where they can hardly breathe a sigh of relief. Here are a few simple ways to relieve stress and anxiety.

Finding your balance

June 28, 2019 08:12 am

Now-a-days concepts like work-life balance and mental wellbeing are being given as much importance as productivity and efficiency. But in a world driven by outwardly success, how does one find the inner calm? And does one come at the cost of the other? Tsoknyi Rinpoche, a well-known Buddhist master, says it needn’t be so.

KATHMANDU, May 21: Mental health experts and activists have stressed the need for initiating physical, social, emotional and psychological efforts to ensure better mental health.

When you know about your problem then only you are able to get a solution for the same. And sometimes in life, we might not understand what’s happening to our body. That might lead us to anxiety and stress. However, with these signs, you can know that your body is giving you signs of anxiety. And here’s how to know if you’re stressed—and what you can do about it.

It took Smash customer Qiu Siyu just a few sharp blows with a baseball bat to wreck what looked like an old car radio, after which two friends battered telephones, audio speakers, rice cookers and even a mannequin.

Five simple ways to destress

January 1, 2019 19:00 pm

Whether it be due to work or personal finances, most of us get stressed every now and then. But what kind of impact does taking stress cause in terms of our health?

More than 11 million days are lost at work a year in the UK because of stress, costing the economy over £5 billion. In fact, almost half of workplace absences due to ill health relate to poor mental health, stress or anxiety, according to the Health and Safety Executive.

Spa for the stressed

October 5, 2018 07:45 am

Mandala Studio Yoga and Spa in Thamel is one that initially began off as a yoga studio but later branched out to providing spa treatments as well. Kriti Karki, one of the co-founders of Mandala Studio Yoga and Spa, was a yoga instructor herself and initially started off by providing yoga sessions.

The majority of organizational practice and research focuses on exploring individuals’ creative capabilities while staying at work. An emerging strand of research supports the idea that employees’ job-related creativity can also be boosted as they take the time off.

Kathmandu, July 6: Home Minister Ram Bahadur Thapa 'Badal' has said the control of crime was the pre-condition for achieving good governance and prosperity in the nation.

KATHMANDU, June 13: Clean Energy Nepal in collaboration with the US Embassy in Nepal held a workshop entitled 'Open data for policy formulation, decision making and citizen-government partnership to improve air quality' on Tuesday with the aim to sensitize stakeholders on the importance of data-based decisions.

Farmers face financial stress

May 27, 2018 03:30 am

RAUTAHAT, May 27: Sugarcane farmers of Rautahat district are having a hard time making for their daily livelihood as Sree Ram Sugar Mills is yet to make payment to 14,000 farmers for the sugarcane they purchased long ago. Mill manager Siya Ram Sah has admitted to the fact that the mill is liable to make Rs 500 million worth of payments to the farmers.

BUTWAL, April 4: A suicide note left by Bishnu Hari Acharya, undersecretary of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Forestry of Province-5, cited 27 years of mental stress as his reason to commit suicide.

MORANG, Mar 24: Chief Minister for Province No. 1 Sher Dhan Rai has said that skilled human resources should be produced in new subjects from the community campuses.

KATHMANDU, March 23: Government officials, stakeholders and civil society members as well as representatives of development agencies have stressed on the need of open government data policy and work plan in federal Nepal.

KATHMANDU, March 22: With 90 faculty members of Kathmandu Engineering College (KEC), Kalimati, The Art of Living Nepal Foundation on Tuesday successfully conducted a corporate program ‘I Excel, I Integrate-Excellence at Workplace’ (Tier II) at the college premises.

KATHMANDU, Mar 13:  Six officers stationed at the Air Traffic Control Tower who witnessed the US Bangla air crash have been shifted to another department to ‘minimize shock of the accident’.

The super-stressful time of the year is here again. Blame it on the increasing competition or sometimes, parental pressure, exam stress is ever growing and tension brews every year. Even after studying for a whole year, a child is assessed with a few-hour test. Examinations are no longer seen as a positive challenge, rather they have become a way to judge students on just one perspective: How well they have done in their academics?

KATHMANDU, Dec 1: A group of UN human rights specialists has issued an urgent call for action to ensure a future based on equality, justice and solidarity.

KATHMANDU, Nov 30: Tourism stakeholders of Lumbini have stressed the need to enhance connectivity and ensure smooth and hassle-free services at Nepal-India border for bringing more foreign tourists to Lumbini – birthplace of the Buddha – via India.

Resilience under stress

November 6, 2017 01:30 am

Perhaps India is awaiting the first real revolution of 21st century and the fascistic regime of religious fanatics is only preparing the ground for inevitable resistance by the masses?

KATHMANDU, Aug 30: Former Chief Justice Sushila Karki has urged civil society groups to further strengthen anti-corruption movements and not to get divided along political lines.

KATHMANDU, August 30: After claiming to have successfully converted carbon dioxide (CO2) into energy using dark reaction, researchers and scientists in Nepal said that there needs to be more research centers and Technology Transfer Division(TTD) so that research and investigation done by academicians can be secured and protected from being infringed upon.

KATHMANDU, August 6: Deliberations on the amendment bill related to the election of members of provincial assembly has continued in the meeting of the State Affairs Committee under the Legislature-Parliament today.

KATHMANDU, July 21: Senior leaders of various major political parties have pointed out the need for formulating appropriate policy measures to seize the benefits from the economic prosperity achieved by China.

BANEPA, July 13: The participation of a two-day interaction program on 'national communications policy and implementation' discussed the model of the mass communications policy and the Ministry of Information and Mass Communications in a federal setup.

KATHMANDU, April 25: Five major political parties have stressed on the consensus among the political parties through dialogue.

KATHMANDU, April 19: The meeting between five major parties concluded that the local level elections should be conducted on May 14 at any cost.

KATHMANDU, March 20: Lawmakers, speaking in the special session of today's Parliament meeting, stressed the need of holding local level election in the stipulated time.

KATHMANDU, Jan 27: Experts have argued that Nepal should explore ways to benefit from the emerging economies of India and China rather than staying perennially obsessed with its 'landlockedness'.

Stakeholders stress on safer migration

December 3, 2016 08:32 am

KATHMANDU, Dec 3: European Union Delegation to Nepal with the support of DAI Europe and Centre for South Asian Studies (CSAS) on Friday organized a regional seminar entitled "Making Labour Migration Easy and Safe in South Asia" in Kathmandu to discuss over how to overcome growing challenges faced by migrant workers in South Asian countries.

KATHMANDU, Nov 12: Lawmakers have insisted on the unity of all major political parties for removing the suspended chief of the Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) Lokman Singh Karki through the impeachment motion.

KATHMANDU, Nov 4: Experts have underlined the need of increasing the use of clean and sustainable energy while reducing the use of traditional sources of fuel for improving people's health, environment conservation and securing gender inclusion.

How to keep stress in check

September 28, 2016 09:09 am

Feeling stressed? You’re not alone. A 2013 survey by the American Psychological Association (APA) found that stress is extremely common among teenagers.

KATHMANDU, Sept 8: Lawmaker Sanjya Kumar Gautam has drawn the attention of the parliament and the government over the dillydallying in the opening of new transit points with India, even after both sides agreed to open new five transit points.