PANCHTHAR, June 19: The Curriculum Development Committee has started working to develop curriculum from Grade 6-8 in Limbu mother tongue.
The Curriculum Development Committee held discussion regarding different issues of the curriculum which is going to be developed for the first time in the country at the initiative of language experts, curriculum experts and educationists of Panchthar.
Limbu language declared official language

On the occasion, experts of different sectors including on Limbu language, curriculum, and stakeholders stressed the need of incorporating Limbu language, arts, and culture, among other aspects in course of developing curriculum.
They also said that the curriculum should be timely and student-centric. Coordinator of the Curriculum Development Committee and language expert Hari Chandra Lawati said that the curriculum would play significant role in promotion of Limbu language while language expert Tejman Angdembe said that although Limbu language would be taught at class 6-8, it would be still be difficult to protect the language.
He expressed the view that the Limbu language should be made useful to protect it.
Curriculum Development Committee member and Chairman of the Limbu Students Forum, Abodh Angbuhang said that works related to developing curriculum have started in order to start teaching in the language after summer vacation. RSS