Skincare is a tricky business. Even though we spend thousands of rupees buying expensive skincare products, that one friend of ours seems to have that smooth, glassy skin that we all desire, despite claiming that she only uses a cleanser and a moisturizer on a daily basis. However, there might be things that you’re doing wrong in your skincare routine that’s leading to all the problems that you are facing with your skin like frequent acne and blemishes or dry or too oily skin. Here are a few mistakes you might have been making when it comes to skincare which is preventing you from getting that smooth and glossy skin you want.
You mix up the direction in which to apply the skincare
When applying your skincare products, you should always rub the products into your skin in an upward motion and not downward. This is to allow all the products to seep into your skin and get absorbed really well. Moreover, this upward motion when it comes to skincare is really beneficial when it comes to aging your skin well and keeping it firm and intact in the years ahead. On the other hand, when you apply makeup, you want to do it in a downward motion so your makeup stays on your skin and doesn’t clog your pores or gets absorbed by your skin too much. This will keep your makeup only on the surface and will also make it easier to remove when you are done for the day.
You are applying your products in the wrong order
A correct sequence in applying your skincare products is crucial if you want to get the most out of all your products. A general rule of thumb is the lightest products and those with the most beneficial ingredients go on first, then your heavier creams and you always end with your SPF (liquids, then gels, then creams). If you apply your moisturizer after your sunscreen you will essentially be watering down the efficacy of your sun protection as most moisturizers are water-based. Water-based products go on first before heavier oil-based ones. Spot treatments should be applied before serums and, most of the time, at night. Acne treatments should be applied on bare skin so nothing can get in its way and you reap all of its acne-fighting goodness. Another important thing, keep the undereye area only for eye creams, no spot treatments or serums should come near this highly sensitive area.
Four basic skincare tips for winter

You are using makeup wipes to remove your makeup
It’s never a good idea to use makeup wipes to remove your makeup. In fact, it’s not a good idea to use makeup wipes at all. In actuality, these wipes actually help spread bacteria all over your face, and sometimes they may even open up your pores, making them vulnerable to clogging by all the dirt and bacteria present in the air. This, of course, will lead to breakouts the next day.
These makeup wipes are actually never enough to remove all the layers upon layers of foundation, concealer, contour, highlight, and powder. For the complete removal of makeup, you have to use a good oil cleanser and/or a water-based cleanser. Moreover, many of us forget to double cleanse. First, use an oil-based cleanser to break down the makeup and product that’s been sitting on your skin all day. Then, use a water-based cleanser to remove any remaining residue. If, on a particular day, you haven’t done any makeup then just cleansing once will suffice.
You are using unclean makeup brushes/sponges and overdoing it
Like any type of brushes that are in contact with air most of the time, makeup brushes are breeding grounds for airborne bacteria. And it’s very easy to transfer the bacteria from the brushes to our skin because they touch our faces practically every day. So it important to clean the makeup brushes by using a cleaning solution. For a DIY trick, try cleaning them with lemon juice and warm water.
Furthermore, you know the old saying: It’s just too much of a good thing. The same goes for your skincare products. Over cleansing or over-exfoliating will strip the skin of its natural oils, which can lead to dryness, inflammation, and pimples.
You are sleeping with your hair loose and not washing your bedding enough
And again, who knew that our hair could be such a big culprit in creating problems on our skin? If you sleep with your hair down, the oils from your hair come into contact with your face, causing bacteria buildup and even acne. Try sleeping with your hair gently pulled back from your face instead.
In the case of your bedding, over time, oil from your hair, scalp, and face builds up on the pillowcases. To limit the number of bacteria coming in contact with your face, get into the habit of washing your pillowcases at least once a week.