Generally, in today’s point of time we can see many people getting addicted toward social media. Therefore, social media has its own craze having some positive as well as negative aspects. But that doesn’t mean using social media is absolutely worthless or people who uses social media are addicted to it.
Having said this, there’s also a reality that most of the people are definitely addicted toward it and takes social media as a platform to show off their personal and professional life by constantly posting their regular updates or we can say they are enjoying the virtual reality in the social media more than they actually enjoy reality out of the social media.
We should not forget the fact that we all have our own individual personal life outside these social media. Everything we do in a daily basis is not meant to be publicized on these platforms unless and until we have some genuine reason and occasion for it, unless and until if someone is a public figure. What a public figure or a celebrity does or post in a social media is mostly copied and followed by general people.

People are attracted towards the bright, glittery world rather than a simple and sophisticated life of their own. Many people also have a habit of adding unknown people in their social media handle as they believe having many followers and friends in social media and more likes and comments in their posts or pictures can make them most popular among their circle which is absolutely a stupid thought I would say.
These days, there have been many cyber crime incidents coming up and people who does not pay any attention towards basic privacy settings while using these social medias has to face many troubles. So, it’s really very important to pay attention to what we are doing and how we are using those social media by keeping the safety measures in our mind.
Also, we should not judge a person by the number of friends and followers he or she has in their social media handles rather we should try to focus on the reality aspect that how a person is outside these social media because that’s more real and authentic as to which that is presented or showed in the social media because people mostly shows and portrays what’s good rather than the real and fact things in those platforms.
Therefore, if we look at the research study of social media, it is found that mostly crimes and all negative things occur because of social media, when users are trapped in it by the hackers or blackmailers. Hence, we should also keep in mind about basic privacy settings, policies and all the minor tips that are beneficial. Social media can ruin our life in a second if we get misguided and trapped in it.
Tejaswi is a Communication and Branding Intern at GTA Nepal.