BHARATPUR, Dec 28: Selfiekali has stood first in the Elephant Beauty Contest organized on Wednesday under the 17th Chitwan Elephant and Tourism Festival in Sauraha. The 17-year-old Selfiekali clinched the title leaving six competitors behind in the contest
Senior Veterinarian at the Chitwan National Park, Dr Bijay Kumar Shrestha, said Selfiekali was declared the winner of the contest based on cleanliness, discipline, decoration, eye shine, age and skin fairness. She got 394 out of 500 full marks. Selfiekali is associated with United Elephant Operation Cooperatives.
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Similarly, the 11-year-old Rimjhimkali of the Chitwan National Park and 22-year-old Samriddhikali of the United Elephant Operation Cooperatives stood in the second and third position in the contest respectively.
The top three winners of the contest would receive Rs 15,000, Rs 10,000 and Rs 5,000 respectively at the concluding day of the Festival.
Meanwhile, a picnic for the elephants has been scheduled on December 29. The festival has been organised marking the upcoming New Year 2024 and would run till December 30.