A photo exhibition by photographer Deepak Tolange kicked off on Thursday at IOE, Pulchowk Campus, Lalitpur. The photo exhibition is organized by the Embassy of Germany and Goethe-Zentrum Institute to celebrate 60 years of friendship between Nepal and Germany.
In the exhibition, the photographs showcase the stories of Nepalis living in Germany and Germans living in Nepal. About the exhibition, Tolange says he has expressed the friendship between these two countries along with their culture. “I have collected pictures and stories of Nepalis living in Germany and Germans living in Nepal,” he adds.
Bangladesh - Nepal Friendship Fine Arts Exhibition at Park Gall...

Meanwhile, Nepal and Germany celebrated their 60 years diplomatic friendship anniversary in 2018. Since the start of the friendship, Germany has welcomed many students, volunteers, artists, travelers and also Nepali immigrants to their country. This exhibition is an outcome to celebrate this friendship, says Tolange.
The exhibition continues till April 26.