MYAGDI, Jan 22: The sixth Myagdi Festival and Maghe Sankranti Fair, and Province No 4 level Agriculture, Tourism and Industrial Trade Fair concluded here on Sunday, with transactions of around Rs 80 million.
The Festival cum Trade Fair was organized by Myagdi Chamber of Commerce and Industry from January 12, around the slogan - 'Let Us Develop Industry, Trade and Art and Promote Tourism through Preservation of Culture.'
6th Nepal Int'l Trade Fair records Rs 200 million worth of tran...

The organisers said some 185 thousand people visited the fair. The Chamber believes that the fair has promoted the market for the products manufactured and grown in the district as well as created the investment climate in the potential areas.
Stalls selling and showcasing the local products of all the six local levels in the district made the highest transactions.
Meanwhile, the For Himalaya Magic Company is starting rafting excursion in the Kali Gandaki River from Galeshwar Dham in Myagdi to Maldhunga, the bordering point of Parbat and Baglung districts. This was announced at the concluding programme of the Trade Fair on Sunday. RSS