KATHMANDU, Aug 2: Minister for Federal Affairs and General Administration Lalbabu Pandit has warned those civil servants not discharging their duties properly that they would be forced to face the consequences.
At a meeting organized by the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration (MoFAGA) to review the annual progress in the last fiscal year 2018/19, Minister Pandit made the civil servants aware that if they did not shoulder the designated responsibilities and squandered their time they would pay price to it.
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Pandit forewarned that those duty shirking employees would be relieved off their duties. Stating that the human resource crunch prevailing the government offices would be addressed through new appointment by announcing vacancies from time to time, he pledged to resolve the issues such as designation of the staffers in the local and State levels and unequal salary scale and the like.
The Minister admitted that the pace of development works could not make a stride since the first year of government had to focus in the managerial aspects. "That’s why, there is not so notable development in the development sector," he admitted. Informing that development works would be expedited from the current fiscal year, Minister Pandit assured that there would not be any room for questions for progress of the Ministry's work this year.
He shared about the Public Procurement Regulations was being amended and clarified that further budget would not be released to the erring contractors. On the occasion, National Planning Commission's Vice-Chairman Dr Pushpa Kandel underscored the need for the MoFAGA to move ahead in coordination with State and local levels. He drew attentions towards selection of projects for the local units so as to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the stipulated time.
Likewise, Ministry's Secretary Yadav Prasad Koirala, presenting the progress review of the Ministry, said that the progress of the Ministry had stood at 78% in the last fiscal year. He illustrated that the Ministry achieved progress in constructing 48.9 kilometre of new track, 226 kilometre of gravel road,73 road bridges, 525 suspension bridges, repair of 8,436 roads, completion of 356 small irrigation projects and 351 drinking water projects.