There is a quote, “Let me whisper something in your ear – I love you.” When I read this beautiful quote deep down in my heart, I have a strong feeling for someone ‘special’ too. To be sure, love is a natural feeling for every human being. At age grows, it comes automatically. Romantically, however, we do not have control over how, when and where we feel this thing called ‘love’. Maybe, this is the reason why studies show that 72 percent of people believe in love at first sight.
In honor of February 14, namely Valentine’s Day is the most important day for lovers those who are deeply in love. According to Valentine mean is love even it’s a part of life. People cannot live without love. Everyone has love. Many kinds of love in the air such as Mom-Dad, Sister-Brother, Wife-Husband, and Girlfriend-Boyfriend. However, here I am going to talk about especially Girlfriend-Boyfriend love affairs.
Tellingly, love never fails at all. But today, I can see most of the people fail in love. We are destroying its virtue (a good thing) in the name of so-called modern love. This must be stopped. After all, let us we should not forget about true love between Romeo and Juliet. They were the classic example of love, which was till date everyone’s an inspiration for true love.
Indeed, our life is too short. This is one life for each one of us so we should live in a happy manner. Love can be blind, tragic, misguided, unconditional and inconsistent. As a matter of fact, love does not hurt you. Why? Because it is interesting to note that where there is love, there is life. Love is so beautiful feeling. We cannot express in these simple words. Meanwhile, with the love of the right people in your life, life becomes limitless, and you become fearless. The days are gone now when it comes to expressing your feeling. So, open your heart to experience the feeling of being loved.
Quite interestingly, if we look at the history of highly successful people, both lovers have guided by true love rather than living with a clueless mind. For example, the world-renowned love profile personalities like Barak Obama and Michelle Obama, Bill Gates and Melinda Gates, Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bhaduri Bachchan, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and the list goes on. Therefore, respect your loved ones with a much deeper and wider meaning of life, and beyond.
All in all, I would like to conclude my writing by saying that ‘life is not about a win and lose, neither it is about success and money but life is all about love.’ Only love. Keep love alive.
Falling in Love