KATHMANDU, July 28: The locals of Banchare Danda have announced that they will not allow the Kathmandu Valley’s waste to be dumped at the Sisdole-Banchare Danda landfill site from August 17.
Organizing a press conference on Thursday, the Banchare Danda Landfill Site Concern Committee announced that it will not allow the disposal of waste there from August 17.
Locals obstruct dumping of garbage in Banchare Danda

According to Shri Ram Dhungana, the coordinator of the concern committee, the committee announced that they would not allow garbage to be thrown because the Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) did not work according to the agreement. They have accused that KMC ignored the residents of Banchare Danda by looking for landfill sites in other places in the Valley.
The committee has also informed the Prime Minister's Office and the Ministry of Urban Development about its decision.