KATHMANDU, Nov 11: Litterateur Manu Brajaki will be honoured with the 'Pahalman Singh Swar Lifetime Literary Award, 2074'. A meeting of Pahalman Singh Swar Memorial Foundation has decided to this effect. Established by the Foundation, the award is given every year.
Noted writer Manu Brajaki no more

Likewise, the 'Pahalman Singh Swar Genius Award' will be conferred on Litterateur Tirtha Shrestha, while the 'Taraman Ambika Devi Swar Educatin Award' on Prof Dr Prem Kumar Khatri.
Similarly, senior film director Chetan Karki will be honoured with the 'Balman Singh Swar Film Award'.
Senior ghazal reciter Gyanuwakar Poudel, also the Foundation's founding member, will also be honoured for his contribution to the Foundation, said a Foundation official. All the awards will be conferred amid a programme later this year, he added.(RSS)