KATHMANDU, July 2: The Ministry of Home Affairs has said the government has kept all its apparatuses in a ready position to respond to disasters and it was alert regarding the possibility of occurrence of landslide and inundation with the monsoon becoming active across the country.
The Ministry has adopted the necessary alertness in view of the natural disasters that the incessant rainfall since some days could trigger in different places of the country.
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Ministry Spokesman Yadav Prasad Koirala told RSS that all the state mechanisms have been mobilized to respond to incidents of floods and landslide. He said that although the rain caused flood and landslide in some parts of the country, the situation was normal at present.
Information system has been developed to inform the people about the water level in the rivers to prevent human casualties and property damage in the Tarai districts and the security bodies have been put on ready position in all the districts of the country for preventing loss of human lives and property due to the landslide and floods, the Ministry stated.
Arrangements have been made to jointly mobilize the Nepalese Army, Nepal Police and the Armed Police Force for rescue and relief works during disasters.
Meanwhile, 14 of the 19 people trapped in landslide at Ri village in Dhading district have been rescued and the rest five would be rescued on Sunday, the Home Ministry spokesman said.
Most parts of the country have seen cloudy conditions with rainfall due to the effect of the monsoon low-pressure system. The incessant rainfall has increased the risk of inundation in some places of the Tarai plains and occurrence of mudslides in the hilly region.
Rainfall occurred throughout the country including the Kathmandu Valley today, the Meteorological Forecasting Division stated. According to the Division, Lumle of Kaski district received the highest 177 millimeters of rainfall, Pokhara 57.8 milliliters, Dhangadhi 51 millimeters and Dhankuta the lowest 0.1 millimeters. Kathmandu received 13.7 millimeters rain today. RSS