Deviram Joshi, 43, is a carpet seller from Guthu, Surkhet. He is currently living near Hanumandhoka of Kathmandu with his family, including his wife and a daughter. He came to Kathmandu some six months ago to find work.
When in Surkhet, Joshi used to look after his cattle and farmland. He later chose to sell carpets because he thought the job would make him smarter as he would get visit places and meet different people. He earns about Rs 600-700 in average per day.
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Having experienced a hard life in the city, he now feels that rearing cattle in his hometown was somehow better because the living cost is high here. “Daily life in Kathmandu is extremely expensive for a poor family like mine, and I’ve not been able to save a single penny as of today,” he said. Joshi had sold all his property back home before moving to Kathmandu.