KATHMANDU, Jan 18: A team of officials from the Department of Transport Management (DoTM) and Nagdhunga Police Post conducted emission tests on the vehicles entering Kathmandu through the Nagdhunga Checkpost.
Among the 47 various types of vehicles tested for pollution, 15 were found to have failed the test, according to the Metropolitan Traffic Police Division (MTPD).
Most public vehicles in the valley fail pollution test

Spokesperson at the MTPD, Superintendent of Police (SP) Jayaraj Sapkota shared that actions were taken against the drivers of those vehicles failing in the pollution. The petrol-vehicles in right condition should have less than 3 percent of carbon monoxide emission and hydrocarbon below 1,000 PPMHC.
Similarly, diesel-run vehicles should have less than 65 percent HSU smoke density, according to the DoTM.
Those driving vehicles failing emission tests will be fined Rs 500-Rs 1500, according to MTPD.
Furthermore, doctors from the Nepal Police Hospital had examined the eyes of the drivers.