Photo: TalkShop
Before I’d like to start my writing, I would like to remind that writing is so much powerful way of communication. There are some who read every day and there are some who don’t. For me, writing is an essential part of my life. It helps me to say something about everything that is untold, unfold or unheard stories. This very reason made me fall for writing.
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On the other hand, the purpose or aim of a piece of writing is to express oneself, to provide information, to persuade or to create a literary work. After all, all these four purposes of writing play a very significant role in all walks of life.
Words are everything that conveys your message to the readers. If the writing is intriguing and captivating it helps to build a meaningful, trusting relationship between the reader and writer. And there are different forms of writing targeted to a different group of people where good writing on right time can accomplish so much. About good writing, Robert J Sawyer has once said, “The heart and soul of good writing is research; you should write not what you know but what you can find out about.”