Psychology tricks that actually work

Published On: January 24, 2020 12:06 PM NPT By: The Week Bureau

The worst thing about psychology tricks is that you forget them. Want to know why you forget them? Simply because they aren’t interesting enough to remember in the long run. Yeah, looking someone in the eye might make you seem friendlier and thus approachable and honest but that’s probably the last thing you’re thinking of when you’re looking to make friends.

Eye makeup trends for 2020

Published On: January 24, 2020 11:36 AM NPT By: The Week Bureau

As times change, so do the makeup trends. And this year it seems like most makeup trends have to do with the eyes. Here, we have listed out some of our favorite eye makeup trends for 2020 that are interesting and practical with instructions on how to get these looks.

Fight to the finish

Published On: January 24, 2020 09:54 AM NPT By: KUMUDINI PANT

26-year-old Diwiz Piya is one of the few people in Nepal who have ventured into Jiu Jitsu, an unarmed close combat martial art with the central theme of grappling. It’s been four years that he’s been practicing it and Piya finds sparring in Jiu Jitsu similar to a game of chess—a battle of the mind but with physical consequences.

A Local Thai Experience

Published On: January 24, 2020 09:52 AM NPT By: KUMUDINI PANT

Hidden between the alleys of Jyatha and Musya Bahal, Wok Up Thai Inspired Kitchen is a restaurant worth searching for. Sunir Shakya, the mind behind the place, had started the restaurant with the intention of turning his passion into a side business. Today, it stands above his home as a proud eatery serving dishes that are found as local food in the streets of Thailand.

Urging you to buy secondhand

Published On: January 24, 2020 09:46 AM NPT By: KAVYA BISWOKARMA

What do you think of buying secondhand stuff—be it books, clothes, furniture etc.? Have you considered the impact you would be making in saving the environment by doing that? And you would be saving quite a bit of money too. Sounds like a good deal, doesn’t it? But buying or selling secondhand goods isn’t a popular concept in Nepal and it’s actually often frowned upon.

What was your favorite fairytale growing up?

Published On: January 24, 2020 09:17 AM NPT By: The Week Bureau

Fairytales are usually the first stories we hear and it somehow never leaves us. These stories are often what shape our perception of the world and make us think about things we wouldn’t have given much thought to otherwise. Fairytales might seem like simple stories but, if you think about it, they are so much more. We asked some people which fairytale has stuck with them over the years and why. Here are their answers.

Fire in the house

Published On: January 24, 2020 09:00 AM NPT By: Guffadi

First of all, let us all stand up from our seats and give a standing ovation to our Emperor for being able to perform magic tricks to show us that he still has the mojo to rule over us for some time. We all know that he is waiting for his turn to spend some time in Baluwatar but until that happens, he will continue to gang up against our dear old Oli Ba who seems to be cornered in the recent days.

Women at work

Published On: January 24, 2020 08:52 AM NPT By: Anweiti Upadhyay

In 2018, Anupama Khunjeli was appointed the CEO of Mega Bank. She became the first female CEO of a commercial bank in Nepal. But her rise to the top wasn’t something that came easy, or even according to merit, says Khunjeli.

A Young Musician on the rise

Published On: January 17, 2020 12:04 PM NPT By: Anweiti Upadhyay

From tailing his two elder brothers when they listened to John Mayer albums when he was young to releasing his own music and opening for Rohit John Chettri, Kelsang Shrestha has come a long way in his musical career. The 17-year-old musician, who studies in grade 12 at Rato Bangla School, recently released his second single, Timilai, and the song along with its cute music video is raking up hundreds of thousands of views on Shrestha’s YouTube channel. Here, he talks to The Week’s Anweiti Upadhyay about his musical journey, and the inspiration behind his music.

Bathroom décor ideas

Published On: January 17, 2020 11:58 AM NPT By: The Week Bureau

A little styling goes a long way, and that is true especially in case of the bathroom, which is an area of the house that is usually overlooked in terms of décor. You see all these images of fabulous bathrooms on Pinterest and it makes you want to renovate yours too, but budget constraints won’t always allow for it. However, there are little tweaks that can help you transform an otherwise boring space.